Applying for cover with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)

Your HIV status alone is unlikely to prevent you from obtaining cover. While it was once challenging for people with HIV, medical advancements, reduced infection rates, and improved understanding have increased eligibility.

At NEOS, we aim to make your life insurance journey simple. If you need help with your application or plan, please contact us or your financial adviser.

Your HIV status alone is unlikely to prevent you from obtaining cover. We do however assess your HIV status along with your overall health, treatment adherence, lifestyle, and medical history.

Depending on your circumstances, we may offer cover with no restrictions, apply a loading (higher premium), or include exclusions. In some cases, we may be unable to offer cover.

You’ll need to answer a number of health-related questions, including details about your HIV diagnosis, treatment plan, viral load, and any related conditions.

We may request a medical report from your doctor, which could include your CD4 count, viral load, and other blood test results. If your tests are outdated, we may ask you to take a new one.

Any questions we ask you about your HIV diagnosis will be done in a sensitive manner.

We will never ask questions about your sexual preference and practices for the purposes of determining your risk of contracting a sexually transmitted infection (STI), including HIV.

Our Critical Illness Cover and Child Cover provides a lump sum payment if you’re diagnosed with medically-acquired HIV (contracted from a medical procedure or operation) or occupationally-acquired HIV – as defined in the product disclosure statement.

No payment will be made for medically-acquired HIV (contracted from a medical procedure or operation) or occupationally-acquired HIV if:

  • the infection has arisen from any other cause, including sexual activity (whether as part of normal occupational duties or otherwise) or the use of drugs not medically prescribed; or
  • the Australian Government has approved a treatment which renders HIV inactive and non-infectious, or results in there being little or no impact on life expectancy; or
  • you elected not to take a vaccine that is recommended by the relevant professional governing body for use in your regular occupation and which was available prior to the accident which caused the infection (for occupationally-acquired HIV only).

If you are HIV-positive before your plan starts, medically-acquired HIV (contracted from a medical procedure or operation) and occupationally-acquired HIV would be excluded from your Critical Illness Cover and Child Cover, but you may still be covered if you’re diagnosed with other critical illnesses.

Child Cover only includes medically-acquired HIV (contracted from a medical procedure or operation) and does not include occupationally-acquired HIV.

How NEOS can support you

We’re here to help you navigate the application process and answer any questions to may have. Your financial adviser can also assist you.

The Life Code